Our product line
ACROBAT Tow Vehicle
Acoustic Recorders
Acoustic Releases
Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP)
Acoustic Current Meters
Acoustic Telemetry Systems
AHRS Attitude Heading Reference Systems
APEX Profiling Float
Aramid Ropes
ARGOS Transmitters
AUVs Autonomous Underwater Vehicles
Backscatter Sensors
Bio-Optical Profiling Systems
Bottom Classification System RoxAnn
Bottom Coring Equipment
Bottom Instrument Mounts
CH4 Sensors
CO2 Sensors
CTD Systems
Digital Gyro Compasses
Drift Buoys
e-DNA Sampler
Electro-Mechanical Cables
Electrical and Optical Slip Rings
Fiber Optic Gyros (FOG)
Flotation Material
Glass Flotation Spheres
Glass Instrument Housings
Graphic Recorders
Hydrographic Echo Sounders
Ice Beacons
Ice Profilers
Inductive Sensor Modems
Light Sensors
Meteorological Beacons
Multi-Beam Bathymetric Sonar Systems
Navigation Systems
Oceanographic Winches
Optical Instruments
Optical Plankton Counters
Pan and Tilt Units
PAR Sensors
Photo Cameras
Pinger Receivers
Plankton Nets
Positioning Systems
Recovery Beacons
Rosette Water Samplers
Rotary Joints for Fluids and Gases
ROVs Remote Operated Vehicles
Scanning Sonars
Sensor Modules
Side-Scan Sonars
Solar LED Lanterns
Sub-Bottom Profilers
Sub-Surface Buoys
Survey Software
Survey Echosounders
Tilt Sensors
Towing Systems
Underwater Connectors
Underwater Lights
UV Sensors
Video Cameras
Water Samplers
Wave Gliders
Wave and Tide Gauges
Wireless Communication Systems
What can we do for you?
We are specialists in marine technology, and our innovative equipment has been part of many successful research projects for decades. Our company enjoys the recognition and trust of scientists, institutes, and the many different financing organizations behind them. Please, look over our impressive line of products, and let us offer you the best possible technical solution for your project!
You will find a few examples of delivered apparatus below:
J. Bornhöft Industriegeräte GmbH | Wellseedamm 3 | 24145 Kiel | Tel. +49 - (0) 431 - 23 70 95 - 0 | Mail: info@bornhoeft.de